Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Sport is for Everyone

A bit of a different post today, but whilst watching one of the many youtube videos that I do everyday (I really need to get out more) I came across this advert that I actually took the time to watch all the way through instead of pressing the 'Skip Ad' button. (Whoever invented that is a genius!) I'm constantly amazed at how much these people can achieve and how focused and determined they are. Even with normal athletes it's astounding how much effort they put into trying to win and to be the best. It's clear to see that despite whatever has happened in these people's lives, whether they were born like it or something occured during their life which has led to the disability they may have, these are certainly people who will strive to be the best. I love how sport accomodates for everyone (though I'm not particularly sporty myself, apart from dance) because I find sport hard. If I find sport hard with no problems that could hold me back how would it be easier for someone who had problems. So the fact we can make sport for everyone and not leave anyone out just makes me really happy. I'm going to forever be in awe of these people and I'm sure you will too. If you could just take a minute or so just to watch this video, you'll see why I find them so great.


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